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Find what makes you thrive

Apparent Connection helps parents and teenagers find peace through the power of positivity.

Through 1:1 coaching, group coaching, and weekly guided meditations, Terri helps you find positivity in trying times.


It’s time to

Learn adaptable skills that help you tackle the joys and challenges of life.


Change your mindset to transform daily chaos into internal calm. 


Embrace a purposeful life fueled by positivity.


Are you ready to thrive?

1:1 Coaching

Terri offers 1:1 coaching to parents and teenagers to find calm, focus, and happiness in your everyday life. After all, laughter, joy, and curiosity aren’t just for small children—they’re an essential part of being human!

As a parent, you’re taking the world by storm, but some days it feels like the storm inside your head is out of control. Between juggling a business and the pressures of family life, it’s easy to feel negative and overwhelmed. 

Teenagers also feel the pressure to succeed, whether that’s earning good grades, competing in athletics, or preparing for college and during their college years. Since mindfulness starts early, it’s important for teens to cultivate a positive outlook as they prepare for the next big step in their lives. 

Whatever your circumstances, Terri’s judgment-free 1:1 coaching will equip you with mindfulness techniques that strengthen your positivity muscles. Her calming techniques and exercises are the perfect way to cultivate a life of positive purpose. 

Group Coaching

Terri offers a variety of group coaching opportunities. Group coaching offers a sense of community to its participants. It offers a safe place to learn and share ideas. Relationships are fostered as well as new perspectives of what may be difficult for you. You are not alone in a safe group coaching program.  Group coaching can be customized for you, the client.

Take Five Guided Meditation

Need a breather? Terri offers free guided meditations every Monday morning to set the right tone for your week. These five minutes are designed to fit into your busy schedule and help you start your week with productivity, calm, and focus. 


Purposeful positivity starts here

Apparent Connection’s 1:1 coaching, group sessions, and weekly meditations help you live better.

Take the first step to a life full of direction and joy.

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